Monday, January 24, 2011

Parque Nacional de Manuel Antonio

This is some type of crab! Maybe a snail crab!

Chelsey and I

He is pensive

Ashley, Chelsey, and I

The soil is orange

This tree is thousands of years old

This little guy wanted to go to the beach too!

We went to lunch at this incredibly nice place near Manuel Antonio. It was free! Well not technically, but it was included in the price of the program. Oh and this is Ana, she is a fellow sophomore and she is really goofy! In the coolest way possible

Does he not look just like spiderman??!!! Coolest spider ever, and I never thought I would say that


  1. The spider and the monkey look just alike. Is that why they call them spider monkeys?!!!

  2. swingin snoos!!! they are so cute nik!
