Monday, January 24, 2011


I had my first ceramics class today! This cute old grandpa taught us how to make some bowls. I will take some photos next time. It was really fun to play with clay. Very messy, but it feels really cool. I had pictured using pottery wheels that looked like old sewing machines, but instead you sat above this big circle that you turned with your feet, alternating. It's a great calf workout!
Inside his pottery workshop were about a thousand creations: piggy banks, figurines, dishes, bowls, mini teacups, and much more. Some things were painted, so I wonder if our painting class will involve our ceramic creations?
It's really nice not having classes on Mondays. Right now I am trying to update this blog with some photos, and then I think we will spend the rest of the afternoon doing homework. There is a pretty nice public library downtown that we might head to (that's where I rented Harry Potter in espanol!). The weird thing about their library is that you don't need a card, and you can return the stuff whenever you want! Well...I hope that's what we heard.
Some of the girls want to go see the movie 'Tangled' later, but since I've already seen it, I say boo! I will probably just go along with it anyway though. It will be a nice break from homework.
I believe this weekend we are taking a day trip to Volcan Arenal! Costa Rica has so many volcanoes, so many active volcanoes. I hope it doesn't rain, that's what happened when Andres went, and she couldn't see anything I guess. I'm really excited! Then of course everyone wants to go watch the Super Bowl this weekend whatever day that will be, so we will probably go to this decent looking sports bar a little up the mountain. It's so cool I can say that we will be going up the mountain :)
I love it here! I am trying to make more posts so that I don't forget anything, so sorry if this is a little rambling and pointless. Heads up!

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