Sunday, January 23, 2011

Night Trek in Punta Leona

Possibly and probably the best photo I've ever taken in my life!

We made it out without any spiders attached!
So gross! Just hangin'

This would make the best weapon

The most diverse ecosystem in the world is just a small square of soil

Teresa had the right idea with her hood. Of course I left my rainjacket and flashlight back in Santa Ana 

If you look really closely in the middle, on the right of this tree you can see the menacing front legs of a TARANTULA!  It was moving ever so slowly......

This looks like such a baby compared to the TARANTULA. But it is still scary nonetheless. This guy is really fast! And he's everywhere!

Here I was witnessing an ant procession. Those little leaves in the dirt road are traveling ants! So cool! Just like 'A bug's life'. They are very underrated insects. I've seen so many different kinds down here...colorful ones! And some that I call "retainer ants" because they like to crowd around my retainer case. I have a theory that they are attracted to saliva.

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