Friday, January 14, 2011

First Day

He made these weird faces and gestures and succeeded in herding them in all different directions

Black Beauty

My notebook almost was carried off the mountain by the wind! 

He is talking about 'ficos' which are ficus trees. Apparently their "skin" is very inspirational to many artists who travel to Costa Rica. I think it's because they have many different textures.

The group~

A view from Don Jorge's balcony at his house in the mountains

La china

El valle del sol

Supposedly their are itty-bitty duraznos (peaches) on that tree. I couldn't tell

I got to ride in the front!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ok Nik, this is exactly, almost, what I want to do when im older! I want to have a horse farm! These pics are so cool though! Im sitting here, looking out into the snowy, 20 degree, windy scenery outside my window. Cool. haha
