Monday, January 31, 2011


Hola! Just a heads up I ran out of space to put up pictures so now they are going to be on a different blog:

Little bit of the Church #2

Lunch 30-1

Barba del viejos = old men's beard

I had fish! And of course a pyramid of rice

They bring out one of these contraptions for everyone, and make your coffee right in front of your face!

This was some of the best coffee

Someone's wedding!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

DOGS (or 2)

Volcan Irazú

You could feel the heat

Demonstrating how windy it was

Shakira, Shakira

I'm not sure, it was just fun!

My foot got really crazy after freezing at Irazu 

This looks crazy! It was so black and blue